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Welcome to my website!


On my homepage I would like to express my sincere gratitude and great joy about the projects of the past few months. It was a fulfilling time that filled me with proud moments. I had the pleasure of taking part in remarkable recordings, including the CD recording with Vox Luminis and the Ensemble 1684. Another highlight was my concert at the Graun Festtage with the Ensemble Mozaïque and the impressive conclusion of the season with the opera pasticcio "On Search for the best world".


But I am far from the end of my journey. The coming highlights until the end of the year promise to be just as exciting. Look forward to:


- The performance of the Haydn Seasons on October 3rd in the Forum Ludwigsburg.

- Two scenic guest performances by the Lautten Compagney Berlin with the Purcell opera "Dido and Aeneas", in which I take on the role of the sailor, on October 7th in Schweinfurt and on December 9th in Fulda.

- Bach's St. John Passion in a scenic production entitled "TRUTH!", in which I will appear as an evangelist, together with the arias accompanied by the Lautten Compagney Berlin on November 18th and 19th at the Singfest in Hong Kong.

- Handel's Messiah on November 26th in Ravensburg.

- Bach's Christmas Oratorio 1-3 + 6 on December 10th in Wasseralfingen (Aalen).

- And finally, on the 19th & December 20th in Marburg, Bach's Christmas Oratorio 1-3 and Magnificat in D major.


In order not to miss any of these special dates and also to take a look at my concert dates for 2024, I cordially invite you to my CALENDAR to visit. I look forward to continuing these musical journeys with you.


Thank you for visiting my website! I recommend you to my vita to click or one of my live concert recordings to listen.


Best regards,

Christopher B. Fischer 


Christopher B. Fischer

Christopher B. Fischer 

Leipzig, Germany


© 2021 Christopher B. Fischer

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